Mold Elimination

As most people know, mold has become a big health problem. over 70% of homes and businesses are currently dealing with some level of mold issues. These mold issues impact everyone on the home or business. Respiratory issues are on the rise and are often triggered by mold problems.
At Ellson Air Care, we eradicate the mold issue at the molecular level by killing the electrons in the mold cells. It’s a simple process that normally only takes one to two treatments throughout the house and HVAC system with unmatched effectiveness.
Mildew Elimination

Like mold, mildew can cause health problems with prolonged exposure. Certain species produce mycotoxins, which can cause mild-to-severe symptoms in humans. FEMA describes it as a specific type of early-stage mold and microscopic fungi that spread by traveling through the air in the form of tiny spores that land and begin to grow. 21 % of Asthma cases in the U.S. can be linked to damp and humid environments. Many allergens can elicit asthma attacks, but mold and mildew, along with smoke and air pollution are among the most common.
At Ellson Air Care, we eradicate these problems throughout the house and HVAC system with unmatched effectiveness.
Odor Elimination

We all know the smell and after-effects of a burnt dinner. Smoke and Odors can be nearly impossible to remove without professional help.
Our process works on many sources,
– Pet Smells –
– Cigarette Smoke –
– Mold and Mildew –
– Sweaty Odors –
– Rodent Smells –
…and more
At Ellson Air Care, we can eliminate these problems in a matter of hours without damage to household furniture or carpeting throughout the house and HVAC systems.